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Chapelfield Primary School

Foundation Unit

Welcome to our wonderful Foundation unit!

Starting school is an exciting time: a time of new experiences and meeting new friends. We hope you find the information below helpful.

Take a look around our Foundation Stage Unit.

We create an environment which is rich in wonder that allows children’s creativity and curiosity to grow and develop. 

Children have the opportunity to:

  • Encounter new experiences
  • Develop confidence
  • Extend skills and knowledge
  • Learn as individuals

 Our learning environment allows children:

  • Freedom to explore
  • Become independent in making choices
  • Build on what they already know
  • Be resilient to solve problems

Our outside classroom:







Becoming outdoor explorers:

  • Our outside space is where children can explore and investigate the outdoor environment, developing their language and gain first-hand learning experiences
  • Children make use of our climbing and balancing equipment, sand pit, planting areas, mud kitchen, role play house, water play as well as activities such as sensory play, playing in the forest, building, exploring the environment, investigating plants and animals and having lots of fun.

Our curriculum:

We want all of our children to be enthusiastic, successful, happy learners. The aim of our curriculum is to give children a vast range of experiences and opportunities. You can read more about our over arching topics in more detail in our curriculum documents below.

Foundation Stage Reading Spine Cycle A 2023-2024

Foundation Stage Curriculum September 2022 – 2023

Foundation Stage Long Term Plan September 2022-2023 (Cycle B)

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statements 2022-2023

Foundation Unit Cycle A

How to help your child at home

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes are key to help your child’s language and literacy skills. We aim for each child to know 10 nursery rhymes by the end of Foundation 2. Find a list of links below to take you to some of our favourites!


Phase 1 of Letters and Sounds concentrates on developing children’s speaking and listening skills and lays the foundations for the phonic work which starts in the summer term.

Phase 1 Letters and Sounds: Information for Parents


Read Write Inc (RWI) is a phonics programme which helps all children learn to read fluently Phonic sessions will be taught at 9.10-10.10 daily.  Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week and write in their reading record after every read.

Please click here to find more information from our phonics page.

Maths nursery rhymes

We often sing number rhymes throughout the day. These are a great way to introduce counting, adding and subtracting. Follow the links below to share some rhymes at home.

Rhymes to 5

Rhymes to 10


Links to topic learning

Below is a link to our learning pages. These pages are updated with each term’s learning.

Useful documents to download

Foundation One Prospectus Handbook 2022-2023

Foundation Two Prospectus Handbook 2022-2023

Foundation Stage Policy 2022

What to expect in the EYFS 2022

Information for Parents Reception Baseline Assessment

Link to Tapestry information for parents and carers