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Chapelfield Primary School


Phonics Scheme

At Chapelfield Primary, we strive to teach children to read effectively and quickly using the Read Write Inc. programme (RWI) which includes teaching synthetic phonics, sight vocabulary, decoding and encoding words as well as spelling and comprehension. This was introduced from September 2015 and starts in EYFS.

We believe that it is vitally important that children learn to read independently as quickly as possible. Mastering these fundamental skills, not only enables children to access the rest of the curriculum but this also has a huge impact on children’s self-esteem and future life chances.

RWI phonics program teaches children to:

  • read easily, fluently and with good understanding
  • develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
  • write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences

Children learn the 44 common sounds in the English language and are taught how to blend these sounds to decode (read) words.

Set 1 Sounds

We start by teaching children to read and blend the first thirty Set 1 sounds. Once they have conquered this skill, they start reading stories and texts that have words made up of the sounds they know. This means that they can embed and apply their phonic knowledge and start to build their reading fluency.

Set 2 and 3 Sounds

Children learn Set 2 and Set 3 sounds and read texts with increasingly more complex sounds and graphemes. Throughout this process there is a focus on comprehension, reading with expression and reading for enjoyment.

RWI Groups

Children are taught in small groups which reflect their phonic knowledge and reading fluency. We regularly assess children so that they are taught in a RWI group which matches their phonic knowledge. We make sure that pupils read books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and ability to read ‘tricky words’. This ensures they experience early reading success and gain confidence that they are readers.

How you can help at home:

  • Read lots of real story books to your child! Children who regularly share books at home with their family develop a love for stories and their language skills develop too. Always discuss the story you are reading to try to build your child’s comprehension skills, inference and understanding.
  • Your child will take home a real story book (Bedtime Book) every week for you to share together at home.
  • Practise the sounds at home. A Sound Sheet will go home each time your child learns a new sound in school. Practise reading all the sounds that are sent home each day.
  • Green and Red Word Keyrings. Once your child can blend a small number of sounds, they will take home a keyring with Green Words for you to read together. They will keep this for two weeks. Please read the side with the dots and dashes on during the first week and then read the other side without them the following week. They will also take home a keyring containing Red Words. These are words that can not be read using phonics.
  • Listen to your child read. Listen to your child read their RWI Story Book and their Book Bag Book (BBB Book). There are also questions at the back of the book for you to talk about together.
  • RWI Online library. Reading homework will be set on the Oxford Owl website. This will include a copy of their current Story Book and a quiz about the story. They will also be set a phonics quiz which will be closely matched to their phonic ability.
  • Attend our RWI parent meetings where you can find out about how we teach phonics at Chapelfield.
  • Make sure that they attend school every day, and that they are on time, as this will help your child to make the most progress.
  • Visit the Parents section of the RWI website:  https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/parents-copy-2/
  • Visit the Oxford Owl Reading at home for super additional information. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Other useful websites that have online games to play:





https://www.teachyourmonster.org/ (This website requires registration, but is free to use)

What is the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check?  

At the end of Year 1, children will undertake a statutory phonics screening check. This is a short assessment is meant to show how well your child can use the phonics skills they’ve learned up to the end of Year 1. The Department for Education defines the checks as “short, light-touch assessments” that take about four to nine minutes to complete.

There are 40 words in the screening check which children are asked to read on a one-to-one basis with their teacher. The check is made up of ‘real words’ (eg. ‘mud’) and ‘non-words’ (eg. ‘slurg’). Children need to apply their phonic knowledge to read all words.

Preparation for the check takes place during the daily phonics session, but you can help your child at home by practising phonics on a regular basis.

For more information on the phonic screening test please visit:


If you need further advice or help with how best to help your child, please contact your child’s class teacher or the RWI Lead teacher, Mrs Sara Allman, who will be happy to meet with you.

Here are some useful documents to support you child with phonics at home:

Fred Game

Phonic sounds KS1

Sounds for Parents Template

Sound Mats and Red Words

The Magic of Stories