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Chapelfield Primary School

Vision and Values

Our Vision

Our vision for the school is: 

To equip children with the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will prepare them for life outside school. 

We want our school to be a place which: 

  1. Engenders a life-long love of learning.
  2. Has staff, pupils and parents who are passionate for learning, life and play.
  3. Is at the heart of the community of Radcliffe.
  4. Welcomes new ideas and is constantly seeking to develop.
  5. Keeps pace with the changing world.

Our Values

Honesty, Respect, Caring and Commitment 

Our Aims

To equip children with the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will prepare them for life outside school:

  • To treat our children as individuals and encourage them to realise their true potential
  • To instil in our children a respect for other people, themselves and the school
  • To offer a secure, stimulating environment for children where learning is enjoyable and challenging
  • To encourage a culture which celebrates success and one in which the children can participate with confidence
  • To foster a partnership between children, parents, governors, staff and the local community which promotes high standards of achievement

These Aims were written during consultation with staff, governors and parents.

School Development Plan Priorities

We have 3 main priority areas for the academic year 2024-2025. These areas have been highlighted as points to develop using evidence from end of Key Stage results, current guidance from the Department of Education and School Improvement Priorities:

  1. CURRICULUM DESIGN: To review and develop a curriculum for long-term learning by reviewing our curriculum design, being clear on objectives, aims and outcomes in all subjects. This will lead us to then have an opportunity to look for vertical, horizontal and diagonal links within the curriculum
  2. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: To enhance Positive Behaviour and Personal Development through an updated Behaviour System and a robust Personal Development offer including a well-structured comprehensive PSHE learning programme.    
  3. ASSESSMENT: Successfully implement a new assessment system across all year groups in core subjects to enhance student learning outcomes and inform instructional practices by the end of the academic year. 

Equal Opportunities

At Chapelfield we are preparing children for a life in a diverse world outside school. We encourage respect, understanding and the celebration of difference in our school and the local and wider community, with particular focus on Rights and Responsibilities.

As our School Values and Aims indicate, Chapelfield School is committed to promoting the highest possible standards of moral responsibility, learning and achievement for all its children, regardless of gender, culture, race or ability. Equal Opportunities provision features in all our policies but particularly in our Race Equality, R.E., Special Educational Needs, and Sex Education Policies.

Inclusion and Equality

We aim to celebrate difference at Chapelfield and this is a key part of our Social and Emotional curriculum. It is just as important that the children apply what they learn in school, to situations out of school. Understanding that children and adults in our local (and the wider) area can be victims of prejudice and discrimination because of race, disability, poverty, gender etc. can help to promote a sense of belonging which is essential in our diverse world. The school has a crucial role to play in this.

The school has a single Inclusion and Equality Policy, both setting out rights and responsibilities to ensure equal consideration to children and adults from a variety of circumstances. Racist incidents for example, are taken very seriously and racism will not be tolerated at Chapelfield. Such incidents are logged and are fully investigated. Action to be taken is detailed in the Policy. The Headteacher reports termly to the Governing Body regarding the number and type of racial incidents.

Statement of British Values

The government has defined British Values as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We promote these values through our school using the curriculum and additional activities.