SEND Information
At Chapelfield we recognise that many children will at some stage in their primary education have some special need which we aim to address efficiently and with full parent consultation. We place high importance on identifying need as early as possible and we encourage parents/carers to help us in this through a full exchange of information.
SEND Information Report 2024-2025
The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice sets out a framework for meeting special needs. Following the identification of a need, the class teacher makes necessary provision within the class situation for a child with special needs and liaises with parents to write a plan for the child which will ensure his/her needs can be met within the school.
If, following reviews of these plan with the Governing Body, the special need has not been addressed sufficiently for satisfactory progress to be made, further intervention, in the form of help from a support agency of Bury LA eg. an Educational Psychologist or a Speech and Language Therapist, may be requested. Their advice will help address the plans for the child using the school’s own resources and any that the outside agency may supply.
In the event of a child requiring regular and more intensive intervention, an Education Health Care Plan (EHC) – formerly a Statement of special educational need – may be considered which, if evidence identifies significant and long-standing difficulties and lack of progress, could allocate more resources to help the child. At all stages, parents are fully engaged with the process.
Admission arrangements for children with special needs are the same as the arrangements for all children. If a child has an EHC, or a statement of special educational need, this prioritises their application to the school. We welcome all children whatever their ability or need.
The school has a duty to ensure it does not discriminate on the basis of disability, whatever the disability may be, and we aim to ensure our school facilities reflect this. We are a “ground floor” building only and past experience has proved the school to be easily accessible to children and adults in wheel chairs. Our disabled toilet has recently been extended to provide a more suitable resource, and this area is also used as a changing area. We have several children with statements of educational need of varying descriptions, and we have been successful in ensuring their needs are met within our school. We welcome children and adults with disabilities of any kind in our school.
What is the SEND Local Offer?
Under the new legislation of the Families Bill 2014 every local authority school has to display their offer of Special Needs Provision and services available.
What is the SEND Local Offer for?
The Local Offer Report is our way of providing parents with information about how children with additional needs are provided for across Bury. At Chapelfield Primary we welcome working with parents, as your child’s education and overall welfare is important.
Bury's SEND Local Offer
The Bury SEND Local Offer can be found here:
SEND Contact Information
If you have any questions whatsoever relating to this SEND provision, please feel free to contact the school office or the following specialist staff:
SENCO – Mrs V Hands
Family Support Officer – Mrs J McLoughlin
Headteacher – Mrs A Reed
Other services:
Educational Psychologist Department, Bury – – 0161 253 6406
Additional Needs Team, Bury – – 0161 253 6430
SEN team, Bury – – 0161 253 5969