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Chapelfield Primary School


Why do we teach RSHE?

Good relationships are fundamental to our ethos and school values, thus creating a happy, caring, safe school. RHSE provides lifelong learning about relationships, health, family situations and positive relationships. We aim for our children to acquire positive knowledge, develop skills, form positive beliefs, values and attitudes. RHSE has a large part to play in the development of primary aged children.

How do we teach RSHE at Chapelfield?

In the EYFS, RSHE is taught through the Personal, Social and Emotional Development element of the curriculum. This give children a good base to start their RHSE curriculum which is taught through a variety of ways but predominantly though our scheme. The scheme has a cycle A and B which ensures that our pupils do not repeat the same learning as they move through Chapelfield. The units allow for progression and enable staff to determine and prioritise certain aspects of the curriculum according to age group, needs of a particular cohort and the priorities for the school at any particular time.

The units covered at Chapelfield are:

  • Health and Well-being
  • Family and relationships
  • Safety and the Changing Body
  • Citizenship
  • Economic Well-Being
  • Transition

These areas of learning are taught within the context of family life, taking care to make sure that there is no stigmatisation of children based on their home circumstances (families can include single parent families, LGTB parents, families headed by grandparents, adoptive parents and foster parents/carers, amongst other structures), along with reflecting sensitivity that some children may have a different structure of support around them (for example, looked-after children or young carers).

For more information, please click on the links.

RHSE Policy (September 2022)

EYFS Long Term Planning PSED

RSHE Long Term Plan Year 1 – 6

Science objectives linking to RHSE September 2022