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Chapelfield Primary School

Pastoral Team

Chapelfield Primary School is committed to safeguarding and safer recruitment, for all it’s pupils.

Meet the Pastoral Lead:

Pastoral Lead: Mrs J Mcloughlin

Mrs McLoughlin has worked at Chapelfield for many years and her main role focuses on safeguarding our children and supporting the children and their families.

This is undertaken by:

  • Supporting parents and address pastoral concerns impacting on their child’s learning and development.
  • Liaising with staff to ensure good relationships are withheld between the staff, the children and their families.
  • Providing specialise counselling support to individual children may comprise of: listening and talking to children who may need advice/support, developing self-esteem, working through anxiety, managing feelings, separation issues, coping with bereavement and developing social/emotional skills.
  • Supporting and responding to situations that may arise as children arrive into school.
  • Providing an all-inclusive support for the children that require assistance to help them develop their own life skills.
  • Support children to help understand their social and emotional wellbeing. Normally undertaken as a group or 1:1 and would normally involve role play, art, board games, time to talk and booklets.
  • Preserve a calm atmosphere in which children feel safe to encourage them to learn, improve their social development and mostly know they are valued.
  • Reassuring parents/carers that their children are educated in a safe and nurturing environment
  • Supporting and directing parents/carers to the relevant outside agencies for assistance with financial issues, housing, adult learning and parental courses.  


Pupils can always speak to Mrs McLoughlin throughout the school day should they feel they need support or advise.



Parents/carers are able to contact Mrs McLoughlin to discuss any worries/concerns between 08.30 -16.00 on: 

Mobile – 07915983613

School – 0161 723 5519