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Chapelfield Primary School


We understand what a significant step it is to choose the right primary school for your child and do everything we can to help you make an informed decision. If you would like to visit Chapelfield you can either attend the EYFS Open Day (details below) or contact the school office to arrange a visit. We are proud of our school and welcome visits from prospective parents.

eyfs open day 2024.pdf

1. Primary School Admissions
2. Nursery Admissions
3. Further Information

1. Primary School Admissions

Admissions to the Reception Class are made via Bury Local Authority’s Children's Services Admissions team. Please see the link below for more information

Bury Council School Admissions

Reception Class admissions opens on 1st November. You will be notified of your offer of a place by the Local Authority in April each year. The Primary School Admissions Guide can be found here. Where the school is oversubscribed with more applicants than places the Local Authority Oversubscription Criteria will be followed. More details regarding this can be found here.

For admission into any other year group please contact the school office who will be able to advice you with regards to available spaces. Further information regarding applying to move school can be found here.



The admission limit for the school is 45 pupils, it has historically been 40. This means Years 1 to 6 have an admission number of 40.

In the case of community and controlled primary schools, the Local Education Authority is responsible for the admission arrangements. In certain cases specific criteria relating to admissions have been determined by the Education Committee after consultation with the Governors, details of which can be obtained from the schools concerned. Generally, however, the number of applications for places can be met within the approved limit. The Education Committee has adopted the following order of priority to be applied in cases where requests for places exceed the approved intake limit:

  1. Children with older brothers/sisters at the school at the admission date.
  2. Any other children with geographical proximity to the school. Priority under this criterion is determined by the shortest available walking route.

The Admission Process

Bury Local Authority is responsible for admissions to the school. Full details of policy and procedures are set in the ‘Admission to Schools in Bury’ booklet on the council website. Copies of this booklet are also available from the Local Authority by telephoning the main council number (0161 253 5000).  

All children in Bury can attend full-time education in the September following their fourth birthday. However, children do not have to go to school full-time until the term after their fifth birthday if their parents or carers do not want them to, as this is the compulsory school age.

Parents are asked to complete and return a form online stating the three preferences of Primary School they have chosen. Parents are also strongly advised to visit all local Primary Schools they are interested in prior to filling in this admissions form.

However, you are invited to register your child at the school well before this time and have a look around Chapelfield ’in action’ – please see ‘Visits’ below for more information.

If for any reason, you’re unhappy with the application process you are able to make an objection to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator.

2. Nursery Admissions

Any parent/carer may enter their child’s name on the Nursery list for consideration for a place in the nursery class.

Currently, children are taken into the nursery in the September following their third birthday and a part-time* place is allocated. Full time places are available on request.

Priority is given to children using the following Local Authority criteria:

  1. the needs of the individual child
  2. needs of the parent/carer
  3. home circumstances
  4. proximity of home to nursery
  5. sibling connections

*Parents/carers can apply for an additional daily session. Please see our Nursery page for more information regarding this.

Attendance at the nursery is not a guarantee of a place in the Reception class of the school.

3. Further Information

Visits to Chapelfield

Parents/carers considering an application to the school are warmly invited to tour the school with the Headteacher.  Please contact the school for an appointment.

Transferring From Another School

Parents and children transferring from another school are encouraged to visit the school for a pre-transfer welcoming visit to ensure they have all the information required prior to them starting.

Admission Contacts In School

For any information or enquiries regarding visits to school, please contact Mrs Hannaby, in our school office, in the first instance. When visiting school please speak to Mrs Reed (Headteacher)  or a member of the Senior Leadership Team for more information.